Saturday, July 21, 2012


The first impression when people read this advertisement that this product is expensive because the first thing can be caught that it is imported product of Vienna. The next thing that there are some French words “ Eau De Parfum”. People will assume that this product is probably from France. In the public assumption that French product tends to have elegant and expensive impression. This product will absolutely attract for people from high class but it will not attract people from middle or low class. When people from high class know that it is imported product, they will be exactly attracted because the expensive and elegant product is a part of their identity. Moreover there is an information that some of materials of this product is produced by Old factory Fragrances of Vienna. Old factory Fragrances creates the impression that the factory has been running for a long time in term of producing perfume. “It is a professional and good perfume factory” that is the impression that people probably have.  
            This advertisement use the figure Olivia Paxton. This figure has relation with the word curious because the figure used is the girl in the graphic novel. It is such kind of horror novel. Olivia Paxton is a girl which is always protected by her father, so she becomes self reliant.  The impression can be caught from this figure that this perfume has curious character represented by Olivia Paxton. That is “the emporium of curious goods”. The word “curious” in this case probably makes people really curious to this product.  Moreover when it has the word “emporium” which will impress that this perfume has a great number of curious things. The exemplification of Olivia Paxton will absolutely answer the curious thing inside this perfume. She represents calm, alone, and restricted character. If it is connected to the perfume, this probably shows that this perfume has no strong fragrance, it has calm fragrance but it is elegant. The impression of elegant is got because this advertisement uses some French word ( Eau De Perfume). As we know French indicates high culture and it creates elegant impression.

            It is not effective actually to have the figure of Olivia Paxton in this advisement. Olivia Paxton is just a fiction figure in a graphic novel. Most of people recently do not need this figure to represent their identity. It is quite suitable for people from high class to have the figure of people in the high class also, for instance, Kate Middletown. Kate Middletown will increase the high quality of this product because she is also from high class. People from middle class will be followed her to use this product. While the suitable figure for people who are from middle is the celebrity from Hollywood for example Selena Gomez. The use of the figure who is admired by most of people will create the identity of this product.

Friday, July 20, 2012

American Study: The analysis of Nescafe Advertisement on youtube.

It is kind of interesting topic to have the culture of drinking coffee in a western country. This is the audio visual advertisement taken from You Tube. Based on http//:ccu.nescefe.htm coffee culture has been introduced to western early 1970s. People began to enjoy coffee depended on the weather which was got from the angle of coffee society. In my opinion, this period probably started the differences of drinking coffee such as using milk, sugar, cream etc.  Nescafe is discussed here because it is considered as the modern package of drinking coffee culture. The advertisement of Nescafe included in this paper is made by United States.
This advertisement showed that there were some teenagers who had a party at the night before. They spent all night together until morning. When they woke up in the morning, they did not know what they had to do. One of them tried to make some cups of Nescafe to have their togetherness again. It was successful; they began to have their fun again in the morning. It seemed that Nescafe was something to start their morning.

Coffee culture
            This advertisement implies the meaning of coffee in western country. Coffee becomes one of the favorite beverages over there. It happens because most of people in western think that their time is valuable, they need something instant to consume and when they get tired, they need something to enjoy their leisure time. Coffee in this case is suitable for them. It can be not only something instant and cheap but also something elegant and expensive. Most of people in western country need coffee to consume in their daily life because it is needed to make them stay up and fresh all day, and it also has good taste to drink. The role of coffee in this condition is as an instant thing. When people have got tired due to their activities, and they get a little moment of free time, they need something to release their tire. Coffee in this case can be as a friend to kill the free time. People can enjoy the coffee having high quality in taste but the price is certainly expensive. The technology of coffee making process recently is able to adjust coffee in variety conditions. Now we have many kinds of coffee to consume depends on our taste and condition.
            The good side of Nescafe advertisement here is that it is offered not only instant thing but also togetherness inside. The label of “three in one” means that three important measurement taste of coffee are served in one package. But if it is not looked literally the meaning of togetherness is inside the label of three in one. The condition of the advertisement that after they all got a party, they were being tired in the morning. They were still sleepy and did not want to do anything. Nescafe in that condition is able to combine tired, lazy and sleepy to be one action that is “wake up”. Nescafe shows how the combination of three taste; white, coffee, and sugar, can create the own taste of Nescafe. It is also able to change the situation. The other interesting thing is that it is practical. We just prepare a cup hot water and get Nescafe into the cup. It is suitable for morning beverage when people need something practical.

Something inside Nescafe
Nescafe is one of the representation of practical products and most of Indonesian think that practical product is a part of modernization .When they consume modern product, it will increase their pride. Western country is a figure to know what is something modern now, but there has been usually different perception to know whether the modern thing is useful for Indonesian. Indonesian actually does not have coffee culture. Most of them do not have habit to drink coffee especially in the morning. They drink coffee usually at night when they need to wake up. They also rarely need coffee to spend their leisure. However, after the capitalist of America tries to spread Americanization, Indonesian’s thought and habit changes. Capitalist in this case means a subject doing economic system. The main purpose is to get the profit ( Indonesian tries to adapt coffee culture so that they can be a part of modernization or actually it is called as Americanization. Americanization is an effort done by America to influence culture, technology, business practices, political techniques or language, to other countries ( What a big role of Americanization in every daily life, because they influence not only the product but also the culture and probably the ideology.
Nescafe tries to make the taste of coffee can be enjoyed by many people all the world. It creates new identity that it is a practical beverage and it leads people to get into modern culture. It also creates an ideology that drinking coffee especially practical coffee is to be modern. Nescafe convince the public assumption that coffee is dangerous for health by giving a little explanation that the ingredients of Nescafe are safe. By searching on new_en_com.axcms?ActiveID=1021, Nescafe tries to explain that it is not dangerous by including some information such as; soluble coffee is all natural, caffeine stimulate sense, and coffee is natural source of polyphenols. The most important thing that is able to catch public opinion that drinking Nescafe is fine. In the other hand, when I tried to look for some discussion forum related to drinking Nescafe, most people complaint of drinking Nescafe. Some of them begin to be addicted, some others can’t sleep well, have fast heart beat and indicates diabetes.

The phenomenon
            It has become a phenomenon that many people now need something easy to consume. Their time is valuable so they do not need something that makes them complicated. America uses this condition to create Nescafe as something instant and suitable for becoming a part of coffee culture in western country. After it has been successful in America, it becomes American capitalist as a part of Americanization. America introduces not only the product of Nescafe itself but also the habit of American to drink coffee in a certain moment. Nescafe becomes one of capitalists. Capitalists cover many things in our daily life to make everything easy. People do not need to do complicated thing. Everything is easy because of this. The bad effect, however, is that it makes people lazy. It offers everything as if we can choose everything we want in many ways. We can’t live without every single part of the product of capitalists. We can’t get our identity if we do not use or consume it. But the real condition in fact, it limits human’s creativity. It can’t create human’s skill. It makes as if we have many kinds of choice to choose, but in fact we do not have any choice to choose, because we depend so much on the product of capitalist. It just creates what is called as an instant human. Instant human is the human created by capitalist. They can be alive if they use or consume many products of capitalist, but if they don’t, they will be useless.

            By having the example of Nescafe above, it can be concluded that some people are not really critical in facing the capitalist. It can be seen from the information provided by Nescafe that the caffeine stimulate sense. People should realize that it can be something dangerous. It is not actually “stimulate” but it “forces” the sense little by little. Some others probably have known this danger, but they still let themselves get into dangerous condition. They make themselves to be spoiled in certain moment such as: the delicious taste of Nescafe, the modern identity by drinking Nescafe, stay awake by drinking Nescafe etc. It will create identity and new habit which is influenced by suggestion. For instance, I will get sleepy easily if I don’t drink Nescafe.  This is what is called as an instant condition. This phenomenon just shows the little role of capitalist to have what is called as Americanization.

Cerpen: RODA


PAGI itu Aya dibangunkan dengan suara keributan yang ada di luar kamarnya. Memang bukan hal yang langka, Aya mendengar ibunya mulai berteriak – teriak. Karena sudah tidak ngantuk lagi, Aya mulai menjauhkan dirinya dari kasur dan mulai beranjak mengintip kejadian diluar.
“ Bu! Lain kali kalau ada telpon, pelankan sedikit nada bicara Ibu!” Ibu Aya, Atika,  bicara dengan  nada yang sangat keras bahkan terkesan kasar, sedangkan eyang Aya yang seolah menjadi terdakwa kejahatan, hanya bisa duduk di ruang tamu dengan tatapan kosong.
“ Itu tadi yang menelpon Ibu kepala seksi… saya malu dong kalau Ibu menjawab telpon dengan nada keras begitu…. Saya malu Bu…. Malu!!” Atika memukul dadanya sendiri pertanda kalau dia mulai kesal. Sudah bisa ditebak, pasti eyang baru saja menerima telpon yang penting untuk Atika. Bukan hal yang aneh kalau yang namanya orang tua usia 72 tahun pasti mengalami permasalah dengan yang namanya pendengaran. Waktu eyang menerima telpon pasti dia menanyai si penelpon beberapa kali “ Siapa ini…. Siapa? Siapa?” dan itu dengan nada yang keras. Atika merasa malu saat dia tahu telpon itu dariorang yang penting di kantornya.
Aya melihat ayahnya, Agus, juga tak berkomentar, dia menyibukan dirinya dengan acara TV yang dia tonton. Kalau Atika sudah mulai marah – marah begitu, tak ada satu orang pun yang berani berkomentar, bahkan suaminya. Apalagi semenjak Agus mulai kehilangan pekerjaannya, dia seolah tak pantas disebut suami. Semua kendali ada ditangan Atika, karena apa boleh buat, dialah sekarang yang bekerja seorang diri untuk mencukupi kebutuhan sehari – hari, sekolah dan menanggung Ibunya.
Aya, remaja yang beranjak masuk bangku kuliah ini pastilah mulai timbul pemikiran kritis dalam dirinya saat dia melihat kejadian tersebut.
“ Sudahlah Bu, toh nanti kalau Ibu sudah tua juga kayak Eyang” Aya bicara dengan nada cuek sambil meneguk air putih.
“ Eh…! Bocah kurang ajar ya kamu itu sama orang tua!!! Ya belum tentu! Eyang bisa kaya gitu, karena dia tak memikirkan apapun, jadi otak tidak terasah! Kalau Ibu kan beda, otak Ibu terasah buat mikirin kebutuhan tiap hari sama kerja di kantor!”
Aya tersedak saat mendengar perkataan Ibunya tersebut. Dia tak berani menjawab ibunya lagi, karena dia takut nanti Ibunya mengatakan hal lain yang menyakiti hati eyang. Aya miris melihat mata Eyang yang nyaris berkaca –kaca. Dalam hati dia berpikir, Ibunya bilang dia kurang ajar sama orang tua, memang yang dilakukan ibunya itu juga tidak bisa disebut kurang ajar?
Tak lama kemudian Bagas, adik Aya kelas VII SMP, mulai bangun dengan tergesa – gesa. Bagaimana tidak,  jam sudah menunjukan pukul 06.10.
“ Ibu… ini sarapannya apa?” Bagas mulai merengek
“ Itu lho kamu lihat sendiri di meja makan! Buka tutup makanannya! Ibu tu lagi buru – buru!” Tak sempat berkomentar lebih panjang lagi, Atika sudah siap untuk berangkat. “ Aku berangkat dulu”. Tak ada yang menjawab pamitannya itu, karena tak jelas siapa yang dia pamiti. Tak lama setelah itu yang terdengar hanya laju mobil Atika yang mulai pergi. Suasana sepi dan dingin. Bagas beranjak mandi dan Agus mulai bersiap – siap untuk mengantarkan Bagas. Eyang yang terlihat suntuk mulai mencari suasana segar di teras depan. Eyang mengambil kursi plastik untuk dibawa ke luar dan Koran untuk dibaca – baca. Aya menyusul keluar teras. Dia pura – pura mencabuti daun – daun bunga anggrek yang mulai mengering, sebenarnya dia cuma ingin menemani Eyang.
“ Kok tukang sayurnya belum lewat ya Ndug?” Eyang mencoba memulai pembicaraan.
“ Kesiangan mungkin Yang, mau masak apa sih?”
“ Ya nggak tahu, tergantung nanti yu Welas jualnya apa….” Eyang mulai beranjak dari kursi plastiknya “ eh…. Itu yu Welas datang” Eyang sedikit terhibur dengan kedatangan yu Welas, dia seperti bertemu teman akrabnya.
Sekarang Aya mulai duduk di kursi plastik yang tadi diduduki eyang. Dia mengamati apa yang terjadi di sekitarnya. Walau sering dia kesal dengan eyang yang sama bawelnya dengan Atika, tapi tak jarang juga Aya merasa kasihan dengan Eyang. Dulu saat Aya masih duduk di bangku SMP, Atika sering menghabiskan waktu dengan Aya dan Bagas. Saat itu posisi Atika hanya sebagai staf kantor dan Agus masih bekerja sebagai akuntan. Atika saat itu sering bercerita kalau dia patuh sekali dengan Eyang, karena eyang disiplin, tegas dan galak. Hampir tiap hari Atika dimarahi eyang, karena Atika anak tertua. Saat itu eyang mendidik Atika supaya menjadi wanita sukses, mandiri, tidak bergantung pada pria, serta selalu tegas dan disiplin pada siapapun. Sekarang Atika menjadi wanita seperti apa yang eyang inginkan. Hal yang serupa sekarang dilakukan Atika kepada Aya bahkan juga Bagas.
“ Gimana to yu….yu…..! sawi layu kaya gini kok dijual? Sampeyan itu niat jualan nggak to?” Nada suara eyang yang sama kerasnya dengan nada suara Atika tadi pagi itu membuyarkan lamunan Aya. Aya mulai berdiri melihat situasi dimana eyang sedang protes dengan nada marah – marah sama yu Welas. Untung itu yu Welas, jadi udah biasa dimarahi eyang, coba kalau itu orang lain, pasti eyang sudah balik dimarahin juga. Tak lama Aya mulai berpikir lagi, “kenapa Ibu punya watak keras seperti itu?.. Melihat eyang yang berwatak keras, juga tak jauh beda dengan ibu. Apa salah kalau ibu memang pada akhirnya punya watak keras begitu?” Lalu Aya ingat peribahasa “buah jatuh tak jauh dari pohonya”.
4 tahun setelah lulus menjalani Studinya dari ilmu komunikasi, tahun berikutnya Aya mendapat pekerjaan sebagai praktisi Public Relation di salah satu perusahaan internasional di Indonesia. Tak jarang dia berkunjung keluar negeri untuk sebuah event di perusahaanya. Aya sekarang bahkan bisa membiayai sekolah Bagas dan membeli rumah untuk dirinya sendiri. Setelah 3 tahun menetap di Swiss, Aya pulang ke Indonesia. Terakhir kali dia mampir ke Indonesia adalah untuk menghadiri acara pemakaman eyang. Disana Atika menangis tanpa henti, dan Aya melihat Agus menggandeng istri barunya. Aya hanya bisa dua hari di Indonesia, setelah itu dia kembali ke Swiss karena dia tak mendapat ijin yang cukup lama dari perusahaan.
Di usia 28 tahunnya ini, Aya pergi kemana pun sendiri. Dia belum ingin mengikatkan hidupnya dalam pernikahan sebelum dia mencapai puncak sukses. Hari ini dia pulang karena dia alarm di HPnya kemarin mengingatkan hari ulang tahun ibunya. Dia janji pulang. Aya sudah menyiapkan kado yang cukup besak untuk ibunya. Bagas yang sekarang kuliah di ITB belum bisa pulang karena ada ujian. Setiba di Indonesia Aya beristirahat dirumahnya sendiri. Rencananya siang ini dia langsung ingin menemui ibunya, tapi karena badannya capek sekali, waktu siang ini dia gunakan untuk tidur sejenak. Setelah pulas tidur selama 4 jam, dia bangun untuk mandi dan menghias kado untuk Ibunya dan diletakannya dalam bagasi mobil. Saat dia beranjak untuk mengunci pintu rumah, ponselnya berbunyi dan ternyata itu telpon dari marketing perusahaan.
“ Aya, malam ini kamu harus sampai di Jakarta, ada kendala event disini..” suaranya nampak panik.
“ Tapi Pak saya….”
“ Kamu harus datang kesini on time, soalnya ini event penting untuk perusahaan” Tak sempat Aya menjawab telpon dimatikan.
Seorang wanita tua sore ini sedang menunggu kedatangan anaknya untuk merayakan ulangtahunnya di usia 63 tahun. Pendengarannya masih sangat baik, seperti apa yang diperkirakannya saat masih muda dulu, tapi dia tak bisa berbicara lancar lagi karena terkena serangan stroke. Putrinya berjanji hari ini mau datang untuk menjenguknya. Dia sangat rindu.
“ Bu Atika, mandi dulu, air hangatnya sudah saya siapkan” kata seorang wanita muda berbaju putih rapi.
“ Ke…ke…napa uda khau siapk….aaan? Akhhu ingin anak..ku.. me…me….nyiapkannya u..u…untuk…ku, sheka…rang bi….arkaa….n a…khu me..nuu..nggu..nya!” Nada bicaranya terdengar agak marah.
Tak lama kemudian teman wanita dengan baju yang sama masuk ke ruangan Atika.
“ Ibu… ini ada paket untuk Ibu”
“ em…. Sebentar…. “ wanita itu melihat amplop kecil berwarna hijau muda “ dari Dewi Ayushita”
Seketika mata Atika meneteskan air mata Karena tahu putrinya tak bisa datang dan hanya bisa mengirim sebuah bingkisan.

Dear Mom,
Maaf Bu, sebenarnya hari ini aku sudah sampai di Indonesia. Tapi saat aku mau berangkat ke Panti, aku mendapat telpon yang mengharuskan datang ke Jakarta malam ini. Maaf. Baik – baik dipanti jompo, aku akan mengirim uang lebih banyak, supaya pengurus disana bersikap baik terhadap ibu. Aku akan menjadi sesukses Ibu.
Doakan aku selalu
Atika semakin menangis saat kado dari Atika dibawa kedalam kamar. Kado itu menunjukan kalau sekarang Atika sudah tua dan tak bisa apa – apa.
“Wah kursi roda model terbaru, kualitas yang sangat bagus…. Bagus sekali” kata salah seorang wanita yang ada diruangan itu.